Monday, December 24, 2007


昨年に続いて港区M家でお食事会♪まずは 初めてのブルゴーニュのクレマン、「レ・ヴィニュロン・ド・オート・ブルゴーニュ(Les Vignerons de Haute Bourgonue) 」で乾杯。ブルゴーニュ白ワインの味とシャンパーニュの技術を組み合わせたようなおいしさ。すっきり軽めで、いろんな料理に合う感じだ。シャンパーニュに近いオート・ブルゴーニュのクレマンは、ほとんど東京だけど実は千葉の「東京ディズニーランド」みたいに「≒シャンパーニュ」でおいしい。シャブリ+シャンパーニュのようなクレマンだ☆

さらにおいしいキッシュも加わる。キッシュ横の野菜たちも、写し忘れたイカのサラダも、さらに久し振りにブルーチーズも頂いて、バゲットもつい食べすぎに・・・。白ワインはカリフォルニアのカイザー・ピーク(Gayser Peak)のシャルドネ。赤ワインの後だったからか、とても甘く感じた。果実味があって濃い味でおいしい♪デザートワインとしてもよさそうだ。

最後はガトー・ショコラ♪ 後ろにあるのは仏ガスコーニュ地方バ・ザルマニャック(Bas-Armagnac)のアルマニャック。 チョコレートにぴったりのお酒だ。
ずっと飲み・食べ・しゃべり続けていたのであっと言う間に時間が経ち、地下鉄の乗り継ぎの最終電車を逃していたのに全く気づかず。(>_<) タクシー値上がりは自分とは無縁のことだと思っていたけれど、途中駅から千葉の自宅までタクシー。「ほとんど東京の千葉」なので、お金が足りてよかった。


Richard said...

Hello Chiko:

What I´m looking ,is your Christmas Dinner?

I can´t see the bottle of wine. It´s from France? Which is it?

Sorry Chiko but as I said, I live in Spain. In the North of Spain, in a small town, Vitoria is its name.
I don´t have a Chateau. That is a dream. And internet is as place to dream and to know people.
I will very happy to tell you things of Spain, if you are interesting.

In my "perfil" you can see two blogs: Chateau du Nanin and El cazador furtivo. I will try to write in English a abstrac of mys comments.

Oh! Your Spanish is very good. How do you do?

The last question: What are you going to do in Belgium?

Bye bye.

よしちこ said...

Hello Richard,
Since good French wines in Japan are very expensive, I always look for nice wines for the price. :-)

The first picture is Crémant de Bourgogne, "Les Vignerons de Haute Bourgogne". I've already tried some of nice Champagnes while living in France (and in Japan too), but this was my first Crémant in my life! (Spanish Cava is very popular here in Japan, but not Crémant.)
With the big chicken, we tried South French organic wine, Vin de Pays d'Oc,"Domaine de Brau 2005 Cuvée les Compagnons" made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc.
Then, "Geyser Peak Chardonnay" from Carifornia. After the red wine,it was sweet and so fruity... In the 3rd picture, you can see "Armagnac" from Bas-Armagnac, South of France. This was for the chocolate cake. :-)

Richard said...

I thought it was a duck ...

Which Spanish Cavas do you know?

Which are sold in Japan?

How much do they cost?

Sorry for my questions.

See you.

よしちこ said...

As for Cava,"Roger Goulart Rosé" is my favorite.
In Japan, "Freixenet Cordon Negro" is very popular and sold almost everywhere, which costs about 1000-1500yen(7-9euros)here. Much cheaper than buying "Dom Pérignon"!

Richard said...

I will look the prize of Cordón Negro. I think that the prices may be similar.

I don´t know Roger Goulart Rosé. I´m going to look for.

Dom Pérignon is very expensive for me 120Euros... I haven´t tasted.

See you, the next year... bye bye.

よしちこ said...

Somebody said "Roger Goulart Cava Rosé" is more delicious than "Dom Pérignon Rosé", though I have never confermed it :-( ☆☆☆ Feliz año nuevo!

Richard said...

Yochico, you speak Japanese, English, French, Hebrew... Spanish why not?

I can help you.

Cordón Negro costs in Spain 6,5 Euros on Supermark.

Another question : How do you do to write on your computer in Japanese? I see there are a lot of simbols...

See you. Richard

よしちこ said...

Richard, Cordón Negro costs almost the same here in Japan! The yen is very weak against the euro now :-(
How to write Japanese?? Well, how do YOU write Spanish? :-) Chico

Richard said...

Hello Chico:

I see, that you have more simbols that keys in your keyboard, isn´t it?

The answer may be simply... perhaps when you write one letter of the alphabet,your PC write one ot two simbols... I don´t know. My town (Vitoria)is small and Japaneses only go to Barcelona or Madrid or Sevilla...
Japanese don´t know the North of Spain, the Green Spain, that is much better than the South.

Where do you live in Japan?. I will look for with the Google Earth.

Thanks for all. Chico.

よしちこ said...

You're right. I've been to Madrid, Córdoba and Sevilla only. The nearest place to your town I've ever been is Lourdes in France.